We arrived at 5 past 12 (bang on time!) to be greated by a really great venue, a superb location if only one thing lacked... That was the hotel hadn't being built yet (otherwise it would have been a brilliant location!)
Upon entering the builing I found it to be packed... and I mean packed full of people, The queue was amazing. Never-the-less, this did not stop me stomping past all the people who had to queue!
It's amazing to see that the turn out was so good!, Their was the LAAUG usergroup, ANT, Seal, Kickstart, among others. On the dealer side we had Fore Matt, Weird Science, Kicksoft (New Kids on the block - with funky hats!) and Eyetech, Oh and not forgetting AmigaActive!
Even through the venue was not "Earls Court" sized it still felt like an Amiga show, people buying games like mad (apparently PayBack was flying off the shelfs).
What else can I say? It really was a great show, and the guys at HAUG really did pull off a top day.